About Our Service:
The service at Nine-Eleven is different from all the rest and there are a number of things that you will immediately notice.
Your car is safe while at our shop. Since we own our own building, we offer secure parking during the day and all cars are securely locked inside our building at night and on weekends. No cars are left outside subject to damage from storms and vandals.
We carry comprehensive Garagekeepers insurance to protect your investment. Some shops don’t!
Most cars are hand-washed and vacuumed before pick-up.
At Nine-Eleven, we encourage direct communication between you and the Technician working on your car.
Should your car ever need towing, we use only the best. Walnut Hill uses only the newest in tilt-bed trucks to give your car the best ride possible. Their trucks are clean and air conditioned and they are more than happy to give you and/or your family a ride if the need arises.
Walnut Hill will respond 24 hours a day so you won’t be stranded in the middle of the night.
All service work is done by appointment to minimize your car’s downtime.